“Action Shot” – Schweinfurt, Germany – Markus Reugels – Featured Photographer   45 comments



“Action Shot” – Schweinfurt, Germany – Markus Reugels – Featured Photographer

I have always found drop photography fascinating.  It is simply liquid art at its finest. Every shot brings out something new and creative and never seen before.  Like a snowflake or finger print only created once and then forever lost.  Markus has taken this to an entirely different level.  I bet you are wondering how he did this!  Well you came to the right place because here at www.photobotos.com we talk about the magic behind the photograph which is more often than not just as interesting. 

Head on over to Markus’s website http://500px.com/MarkusReugels  to see more amazing drop shots and see how he fits the entire earth into a single drop of water.  http://500px.com/photo/4739840   All of these photos are even more amazing when you realize he doesn’t use Adobe Photoshop to make the amazing drops.

Here is Markus:

The Basic “Drop on Drop” technique works with 2 drops. The First drop fall into the Water and formed a crater, then a crown and finally the Pillar . The second drop must be timed that he land on the Pillar and with the collision he formed the shapes like.  Mushrooms, hats or flying disc.  When the distance between the first and the second drop gets bigger, the shapes goes into flying disc.  When the Distance gets lower, the shapes turns more into hats. The middle Drop speed is about 10 drops per second (here are the Mushrooms). With 15 drops per second comes the flying shapes and with 6 drops per second the hats.

To get smooth shapes with less sprinkle around them, I increase the viscosity with guar gum.  This will help a lot.  It´s more work to mix the Water and filter the grain out, but the results worth the Work.  A very Important thing in this genre is the light.  I take lots of care into this. Before I start dropping, I set the Light perfect.  A good shape looks poor in nasty light. So take care about it!

Normally I thicken my drop Water with Guargum to increase the viscosity. I Want a similar Viscosity as Milk or Cream.  This helps to make smoother shapes and they hold longer together before they collapse.  Sometimes I use only Milk, this is the best fluid for the droplets, You can bring Color into the Splash without coloring the Water. With milk you can bring color into the splash with the light, so you must only use gels on the flashes.

I use a Sony @700 with a Minolta 100 f2.8 Macro lens.  As Flashes I use only the Old Vivitar 285 with a little modification to set the Power lower than 1/16.  As timing Device I use a Homebrew Unit called GlimpseCatcher.  With these I can time all events exactly on one point.

As Aperture is use F16, this is the best compromise between sharpness and diffraction blur. The Shutter speed is not important in the Highspeed Photography, the Action is freeze by the flashes.  The Flashes have a flash duration fasten than 1/16000 at low power settings.  No Camera has a shutter fast as the Flashes. I chose as Shutter speed 1/160 , but only for the Wireless trigger it Work best with these settings!  As ISO a choose between 160-320, it depends on how dark gels I use or what type of lighting.

45 responses to ““Action Shot” – Schweinfurt, Germany – Markus Reugels – Featured Photographer

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  1. Thanks very much for sharing those fantastic pics.

  2. This is a fantastic photo! Absolutely stunning.

  3. truly stunning, great job

  4. breathtaking!

  5. WOW this is just amazing!

  6. This is so sick that I can’t even come up with a more intelligent sounding comment. Amazing.

  7. This is gorgeous!!

  8. My gosh, this is incredibly beautiful!

  9. This is great shot, I wished I could make it too… Thank you, with my love, nia

  10. Thanks for bringing this to us. Supreme quality as always.


  11. No telling how long it took for you to figure all this out but the results are very cool.

  12. Something I keep meaning to have a go at, inspired by various beer commercials here in Japan! Small point ” no camera has a shutter as fast as the flashes”…….the only reason I bought the Nikon D1x. 1/16000th with full flash sync 🙂 Still, for these shots I know I’d be shooting B.

  13. Wooowww… Awesome!

  14. I love this shot!! Nice technique.

  15. Truly a gorgeous piece of Art/Photography!

  16. Great stuff. I envy your technique. Keep it up.

  17. Truly remarkable.

  18. *folds jaw back into place* This is ridiculously awesome. I’m very honestly still trying to wrap my head around how it’s even possible. And I love that while you promote and present your own beautiful work, you also feature other photographer’s, as well. Very, very cool.

    Happy Sunday 🙂

  19. This is insane. Very, very cool.

  20. Both the photograph and the technique used to get the shot are so cool. Thank you for sharing this. Who’d have ever though about mere ‘drops’ dropping on drops. Say that 12 times fast. 😉

  21. This is amazing, Markus.

    I enjoy seeing these daily photos. Glad I’m following.

  22. That is amazing. I am with everyone else, I will never be able to but dearly wish I could. Great choice.

  23. Love photos like this, they are just so amazing!

  24. Awesome “raindrop” picture!

  25. Some of the drops look like hearts, the fun exquisite shapes are reflected in such a dazzling way that it seems they are dancing in two worlds!! Gorgeous!! Your technique is very cool!! 😀

  26. These shots seem to be popular lately. This one stands out though thanks to the variety of colors.

  27. Magic

  28. Fascinating shot

  29. Amazing work!

  30. Wow, seriously.

  31. Brilliant!

  32. I love the poetry of MaggieMaeIJustSayThis who will hopefully win the poetry award. Now I see your area to catalog all these amazing photos and I hope you win the Versatile Blogger award. When I went looking for the awards page, I found Chris Wallace’s site with a fun home page, where he offers a menu of three choices: Adopt a homeless kitten, Donate toys to orphans, or Vote for me in the WPWebHostAwards! Award or not this is good stuff. – Kevin Pedersen

  33. Is something like this possible even with a simple P&S? I am always wondering if it is the camera alone which does the trick?

  34. I couldn’t say what it is but it looks amazing. When I would be able to make such a picture I would be very happy 😉 http://madrilicious.com

  35. That is such a stunning shot! X

  36. Hey guys…
    I know you are seriously busy but I love your posts and photos. You may have been on somebody’s list already but now you are on mine for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks for getting this site up and running.

  37. Pingback: Gendered items « bolanja

  38. It is another world! I enjoyed the site as well, amazing!

  39. i’ll never be able to shoot something like this in my lifetime hehe 😉

  40. Love the colors too … Amazing photo – Excellent job.

  41. What an interesting photograph. The simplest subjects are the most fun to shoot, and to watch, aren’t they! Nice High Speed work.

  42. Incredible!

  43. This is stunning… wish I could do something like this one day!

  44. AWSOME!

  45. truly amazing…

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